You Can Help

Rebuilding Together fills a pressing need in our communities. The rising cost of living and falling social service budgets have left some of our most vulnerable neighbors without the most basic of necessities, a warm, safe, and dry home.

The nation is facing enormous problems, many of which have reached crisis levels. The low-income homeowners that Rebuilding Together serves are disproportionately affected by these issues. Homeownership is at an all time high, especially among low to mid-income Americans, but the costs of owning and maintaining a home are growing exponentially. Healthcare costs are skyrocketing, leaving low-income citizens with less and less disposable income for home repairs and modifications.

Rebuilding Together focuses on the issue of home maintenance and homeownership for veterans, the elderly, and the disabled. By identifying the challenges associated with these issues we are well placed to face a problem with full understanding and to create real, sustainable solutions for the low-income homeowners we serve.

(Download our impact statement 2024)

MISSION – Bringing volunteers and communities together to improve the homes and lives of low-income homeowners with a focus on veterans, seniors and/or disabled homeowners. As a local nonprofit organization, we assist low-income homeowners with home rehabilitation projects, installation of smoke/CO alarms at mobile home parks and a food pantry. In addition, RTSC also partners with local companies to rehab community facilities. During a RTSC project, local businesses, community members and concerned residents come together from all walks of life to rehabilitate the homes and lives of those in need in Solano County. This is accomplished with volunteer skilled and unskilled labor, donated materials/services and financial support from within Solano County

Solano County Impact

Since 2009, Rebuilding Together Solano County (RTSC) with more than 12,000 community volunteers have provided our home rehab services to more than 44 low-income homeowners as well as held more than 52 community facility workdays in Solano County. In addition, RTSC has installed and/or donated more than 7,000 smoke and 4,715 carbon monoxide alarms in low-income mobile home parks and homes. Also, RTSC has distributed more than 3,300 Safe at Home Kits. Finally, RTSC has provided a food pantry for low-income veteran / senior / disabled families in Solano County since 2018 with more than 500,000 lbs. of food in the past year as part of Feeding America via the Food Bank of Contra Costa / Solano Counties. Our services are provided free of charge to low-income veteran, senior and disabled residents of Solano County, CA. In total, Rebuilding Together has invested more than $11,000,000 into revitalizing low-income homes, community facilities and neighborhoods in Solano County. In total, Rebuilding Together has invested more than $11,000,000 into revitalizing low-income homes, community facilities and neighborhoods in Solano County.


In 2024, RTSC provided the following programs:

  • Veteran Home Rehab – provided necessary health and safety repairs for a low-income veteran widow in both Fairfield and Suisun City along with Home Depot, Valero and Wells Fargo.

  • Disaster Safe At Home Kits – distributed more than 1,600 Disaster Safe at Home Kits to Solano County low-income veteran, senior and disabled households with Kaiser Permanente, Valero, Wells Fargo and other community support.

  • Smoke/CO Alarm Installation – in partnership with local Fire Department RTSC volunteers from Travis AFB and local unions installed free smoke and CO alarms at 5 low-income mobile home parks in Vallejo and Fairfield, CA.

  • Garden Boxes – assembled 60 raised garden beds (by volunteers from Cal Maritime Academy, Phillips 66 and Travis AFB).

  • Food Pantry – in partnership with Vallejo Community Presbyterian Church, Travis AFB and Valero, RTSC has distributed more than 500,000 lbs. of food in the past year as part of Feeding America / Food Bank of Solano Contra Costa County.

We look forward to your support of Rebuilding Together Solano County.

Yes! I want to help make Solano County a Better Place For All by Supporting Rebuilding Together Solano County.

I will financially support Rebuilding Together Solano County. Please put this contribution to good use in rebuilding low-income families and neighborhoods in Solano County.

  • Major Donor / Facility Sponsor ($10,000 or more)
  • House Sponsor ($6,000 – $9,999)
  • Donor ($4,000 – $5,999)
  • Major Supporter ($2,000 – $3,999)
  • Supporter (up to $2,000)
  • In-Kind Donor. Please call me regarding donation of goods and/or services. I am willing to donate the following items and/or services (email
  • Employer Donation / Employee Match – please let us know if your company provides a donation to nonprofit organizations and/or has an employee match donation program.
  • Valcore – RTSC is listed as a participating organization with Valcore. Please support RTSC by bringing your recycling (bottles, cans, glass, etc.) and we will receive a donation from Valcore.

Please make your check payable to:
Rebuilding Together Solano County a nonprofit Organization
Tax ID #80-0473076

For Further Info: