
Rebuilding Together Solano County provides our home rehabilitation services to veteran and surviving spouses of veterans, seniors and disabled homeowners residing in Solano County, CA.

Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy living environment for low-income veteran homeowners and community facilities. Our services are provided free to qualified and selected homeowners.

Rebuilding Together Solano County is in the process of accepting 2025 applications for Veteran / Military Homeowners until April 30, 2025 for our home rehabilitation services to veteran and military homeowners residing in Solano County, CA.

Do you know of someone or do you qualify yourself for our veteran / military home rehabilitation program?

How to apply:

  1. Complete Veteran /Military 2025 Homeowner Application

  2. By 04/30/2025 Mail the completed Application and all supporting documentation to RTSC, PO Box 5996, Vallejo, CA 94591.

Contact Rebuilding Together at: if you have additional questions.

Qualifications Required:

  • One or more household members must qualify as Military (Active, honorably discharged, retired or a surviving spouse of military)

  • Own and live in a single family residence located within Solano County. Home to be stick-built;

  • The following items must be paid current: 1) Mortgage(s) 2) Property Taxes 3) Homeowner’s Insurance;

  • Potential homeowners cannot own other property or units unless located on the property of the primary residence;

  • Household Income must fall below the low-income guidelines for Solano County (less than 80% of Area Median Income for 2023-2024)


1 Person

2 Person

3 Person

4 Person

5 Person

6 Person








Since 2009, Rebuilding Together Solano County (RTSC) with more than 12,000 community volunteers have provided our home rehab services to more than 42 low-income homeowners as well as held more than 52 community facility workdays in Solano County. In addition, RTSC has installed and/or donated more than 4,810 smoke and 2,900 carbon monoxide alarms in low-income mobile home parks and homes. Our services are provided free of charge to low-income veteran, senior and disabled residents of Solano County, CA. Estimated value of work is more than $10,000,000.

Rebuilding Together fills a pressing need in our communities. The rising cost of living and falling social service budgets have left some of our most vulnerable neighbors without the most basic of necessities, a warm, safe, and dry home.
The nation is facing enormous problems, many of which have reached crisis levels. The low-income homeowners that Rebuilding Together serves are disproportionately affected by these issues. Homeownership is at an all time high, especially among low to mid-income Americans, but the costs of owning and maintaining a home are growing exponentially. Healthcare costs are skyrocketing, leaving low-income citizens with less and less disposable income for home repairs and modifications.

Rebuilding Together focuses on the issues of homeownership for the elderly, the disabled, and veterans. By identifying the challenges associated with these issues we are well placed to face a problem with full understanding and to create real, sustainable solutions for the low-income homeowners we serve.